Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Should hearing babies learn sign language?

Should hearing babies learn sign language? It's a question that's been posed for some years now, and it's unlikely that the debate will be settled anytime soon. However, supporters of the practice say there may be no better way to introduce the concept of vocabulary into the life of an infant.

An Early Start

Some mothers actually begin teaching their children sign language at birth. In fact, one woman was quoted as saying that her son understood the sign for milk at the age of three weeks. While this may sound a bit far-fetched, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that signing can be helpful to babies.

Dr. Joseph Garcia is credited with the popularization of baby sign language. He's the inventor of the "Sign With Your Baby" system. Certified instructors teach the language to parents and babies nationwide.

Sign Language Promotes Other Skills

Dr. Garcia has been quoted as saying, "Signing is different than verbal language in that there's an eye connection. You must look at someone when you're signing to them." The physician believes that the majority of babies can start learning American Sign Language at six to eight months of age. In addition to language skills, ASL helps to teach them the importance of stopping, looking, and listening — habits they can carry with them throughout life.

Through the system, an 18-month-old can learn how to sign more than 150 words — a phenomenal number by any count. Usually, parents start by signing the words for eating and milk. Of course, it takes a great deal of patience for a parent to teach sign language to a baby. In fact, it may be several months after the initial lessons before the baby begins signing on his or her own.

If a sign is paired with a spoken word, chances are the signing child will actually start talking sooner than his or her counterparts. People who answer yes to the question, should hearing babies learn sign language, claim that, rather than retard speech development, ASL actually promotes it.

Should hearing babies learn sign language? It would appear that there is certainly no harm in it, and that, in fact, it can help to improve communication between parent and child. And what could be better than that?

Source: http://www.deafchildrenandsigning.com/should-hearing-babies-learn-sign-language.html

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Baby Nappies Checklist

Baby Nappies Tips

Always have plenty. Newborns can soil up to 12 nappies a day. In a year you will need over 4000 nappy changes. Change the nappy every time the baby wets. nappy change frequency can help you understand how many nappies you need, how frequently you need to wash the cloth nappies and how much money you need to budget.

You will probably use both disposable and cloth nappies. When you decide, you should consider the cost, the environmental impact and how easy the two options are.
  1. Cloth nappies. Can save you a lot of money, some are as easy as disposables. There are different types: fitted, flat, pre-folder or all-in-one.
  2. Disposable nappies. Save you a lot of time, but they are more expensive, require different sizes (so you'll have problems with starage and disposal). Some disposable nappies are more natural and environmentally-friendly than others.
  3. Wipes. Avoid wipes with fragrance. Warm water may be sufficient in the first days.
  4. Nappy Pail. Choose a nappy pail that minimises the use of nappy bags. Consider a washable environmentally-friendly cloth nappy pail liner.
  5. Nappy Cream. Choose a natural nappy cream that doesn't contain petroleum derivatives.
  6. Nappy changing. Disposable nappies are the easiest to change. Ensure you have all the nappy changing products and clothing at hand before you start.
  7. Nappy rash. It is very common that babies' skin becomes red in the nappying area, caused by bacteria. To reduce rash ensure you change the baby every time the baby wets, avoid detergents and fragrances. Consult your doctor if the rash persists.
  8. Nappy bag. In addition to the products above, you'll need blankets, bibs, tissues, food and drink, a hat, toys and pacifier.
Read more > http://www.baby-names-guide.co.uk/baby-nappies.php